Explanation | A4-pdf
- Step 1. Choose a starting point
1. Does your body ask for your attention?
For instance sadness, anger, pain, something else?
1. Go to the sensation in your body.
Take care of Balance of Attention.
If you feel too wobbly emotionally, where does it still feel OK in your body? Or ‘Make a picture’ of you with that sensation.
2. Accept this sensation in your body and welcome it with curiosity.
2. Do you have a question for your body? About a challenge or an event?
1. Connect your body with your question, for example by
• saying it out loud
• visualising an image related to your question.
2. Where does your question resonate in your body?
3. Accept this resonance and welcome it with curiosity.
3. Do you want to continue working with an earlier "Felt Sense"?
1. Say the name of the Felt Sense out loud
until you feel the sensation return into your body.
2. Then go to Step 3.
If you are aware of a thought about yourself or an external Trigger, use the 'Pain-to-Power' recipe.
- Step 2. Find the Felt Sense’s name for your sensation
1. Describe your physical sensation as if you are describing a "thing."
colour, shape, size, material, sound, odour, temperature.
Avoid using interpreting names for these sensations, such as "fear", "sorrow," "pain," "falling in love."
2. Give yourself space to express your emotions if necessary
by repeating the Felt Sense as the trigger word in your description.
3. Check if your Felt Sense is correct by repeating its name.
The better the description, the stronger the sensation becomes.You will automatically know when your Felt Sense is properly named.
- Step 3. Towards the correct interpretation of your Felt Sense
Use your Felt Sense as your guide. Therefore, keep your attention focussed on your Felt Sense.
• If your Felt Sense becomes stronger
you know that you are on the right track.
• If the Felt Sense disappears or weakens,
its answer is ‘No, not relevant.’
Use its name to make it reappear.
• If your Felt Sense transforms into a new Felt Sense,
you know that you got the message from your body. Option 1: Ask your Felt Sense questions.
For example questions such as:
• What does my Felt Sense want to tell me?
• What makes the Felt Sense so ……….. strong / annoying?
• What does the Felt Sense want from me?
• Is there something that I should face up to?
Something that I wouldn’t want to know or that I feel ashamed of?
• What decision would I rather not take?
• What "Solution-oriented situation" would the Felt Sense like to see?
Option 2: Other ways to get the Felt Sense to express itself
• Meditate
• Dance to your Felt Sense
• Give a singing sound to your Felt Sense.